Cutty Bang

What is Cutty Bang?


It's a mix drink from the hood. Made popular by Bay Areas Rappers, Taydatay and Big MAC. The drink is made up of Seagrams Gin, Bacardi Limon, Tanquaray and juice.

Make me a Cutty Bang because I want to get drunk tonight.

See alcohol, gin, bacardi, lime, limon, juice, liquor, bay area, rap


Any spot in the hood (anywhere really) thats far away, not easy to find & or can lead to getting u lost.

Yo B can u go pick up my homie Shawn from Bay Point? Man hell naw that motha fucka lives in the cutty bang.

See cuts, cutty, boondocks, the cuts, location


Somewhere far away in a remote place or unsafe place (ie: ghetto)

Damn, his house is in the Cutty Bang

We gotta drive to the cutty bang to get to the liquor store.


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