
What is Cuzza?


A slanged conjunction of the words "because" and "of"

Dude, I got thrown in jail cuzza that.


Curry Muzza.. the same thing as a Muzza but is of Indian/Sri Lankan decent.

Omg uleh im a fully sik cuzza, i have fully sik subwoofers like cecille's boob drums!

See cuzza, muzza, curry, muztek, cecille


a shortened conjunction of "because" and "of"

Rachel was up to some shady business at 6 am

but had to call it off cuzza the rain.

See cuz, cause, because, uh, of


A curry. Usually of the thick, sauce-based variety and not a dry curry

What's for dinner? I'm having a cuzza

Let's go out for a cuzza

Are you having a cuzza again?

See curry, cuzzly wuzzly, cuzza, indian


Ape like male not capable of acting like a normal human being.

Cuzza is a retard and a dickhead


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