What is Cyanide And Happiness?


the greatest, funniest wecomic around, created by god herself and handed down to the explosm crew, if you havent seen it yet, then your a failure at life and need to adress the problem immediately, also get laid you fat ugly bastard.

one time i read cyanide and happiness and pissed myself laughing so hard. then i ate some cheese wizz, that shit is the mad note.

See nascar, aids, cancer, dead babies, vh1


Unlike the dumbass who just made an opinion above me. Its a web comic with hilarious jokes. Some people don't like it, some people do. You can find the series in explosm

Guy 1: Cyanide and happiness is so awesome!!!

Guy 2: It sucks dicks.

See cyanide, happiness, awesome, suck, explosm


A very lame web-comic. It is poorly written, and is often criticized by people who actually read and enjoy good comic strips.

Cyanide and Happiness is laame, man.

See cyanide and happiness, funny, webcomic, matt, dan, kris, rob


A daily (some exceptions exist)webcomic hosted by Explosm. It focuses on dark humor including parodies, diseases, rape etc. It is disliked by many for its contents while certain people do enjoy it. There are also flash animations on Explosm.

Guy 1: Hey, have you ever heard of Cyanide and Happiness? That stuff is so hilarious!

Guy 2: Oh my god! how can you call that funny!? Those comic writers deserve to be put in jail!

See cyanide, and, happiness, cah, c&h


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