Da Vinci Sleep

What is Da Vinci Sleep?



A sleep schedule characterized by a series of short, intermittent naps. (as opposed to one long 8 hour sleep). Usually if one is working hard or has no time for conventional sleep, one will go on Da Vinci Sleep.

Etymology: Derived from the supposed way Leonardo Da Vinci slept.

Bob: Man, you look like hell. What's up?

Steve: It's totally crazy around here, you know, midterms and taking care of my sister's diabetic cat... I've been on Da Vinci Sleep here.


noun: When one experiences eratic sleep, consising of a series of short naps instead of a long block of sleep. Named after Leonardo Da Vinci, who supposedly slept in such a manner.

Guy: Why are your eyes red?

Guy2: This week has been tough, i'm on da vinci sleep here!


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