
What is Daggabon?


is when u go to the market and try to get some deli meet but there all out of ur favorite samon

You: why dont u have any samon you stupid daggabon

manager: because somebody bought the last pack

You: *starts to bawl*

manger:its okay

You: oh baby baby how was i suppose to know that u were out of saaaamonn

manger:you werent

You: *starts to lean foward*

manger: *leans foward*

You: *starts to make out with the manger*

manger: ohhh ohhh ohhhh i am married

You: so am i!

manger: wut the hell

You: youre a ho

See dick, hobbit, moon, manger, care, bear, grrr, beautiful, poopstain, gray


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