
What is Dagwood?


An enormous sandwich utilizing most of the contents of the fridge.

I'm so hungry I could eat a sandwich of Dagwood proportions.


When a woman can not only engulf a man's entire cock, but his balls to.

My girlfriend gagged trying to give me a dagwood last night.

See deepthroat, angry dragon, salty pirate, choker, jelly doughnut


slovenly; ill prepared; lackadaisical.

A "dagwood like" person would show little or no attention to details nor does he/she clean up after themselves.

Coined from character of the popular syndicated comic "Blondie" who would always come home throw his clothes around and was never prepared.

You're always running around here like <Dagwood>. Nothing organized and everything is a mess. Its no wonder you can’t find anything! Come on... get it together.

Don’t pull that <dagwood> shit! You better throw those clothes in the hamper before you leave up out of here!

See slovenly, lazy, lackadaisical, bum, slacker


n. - result of a homoerotic act where one partner ejaculates on the other's face and hair, causing the hair to hair to stick up and back much in the profile of Dagwood Bumstead of the popular syndicated comic "Blondie."

After having Mervin over for the night, Rich called in sick to work, afraid his Dagwood would expose his sexuality.


Is a small to unusually large piece of driftwood that, when high, a stoner will consistently cast at and continue to lose fishing lures on.

Holy shit guys, check out that awesome dagwood. There's gotta be 50 fishing lines stuck to it!

See driftwood, stoner


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