
What is Daisy?


the coolest, most awesome,talented?,nicest girl ever..

korn sweet obsessive

See Daisy


In the late 19th century "daisy" was a common slang term for "the best in it's class." So for "daisy" just substitute "the best" and you'll have it. It was a short-lived idiom and doesn't seem to be popular much after 1890.

"Now ain't that a daisy!"

Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday - Tombstone

See kilo


her... the one.... stands out as being your perfect girl as soon as you first see her

shes a daisy lads... a daisy

See girl, special, innocent, lovely, perfect


The word daisy refers to some thing being good, it originated from the wild west as seen it the film tomb stone.

the dude: Well ain't that a daisy

cowboy: god damn it you got a royal flush for times in a row no ones that looky

See Rob


One of the princesses in the Mariogames. She wears yellow with white accents, has brown hair, and has a country-style voice. She was voiced by Kate Flemming in Mario Tennis, and starting with Mario Party 3, she was voiced by Deanna Mustard.

Did you see the "3rd eye" in the Daisy trophy in Super Smash Bros Melee?

See mario, nintendo, peach, luigi


Daisy. An attractive woman. A way of saying a female is attractive, without them realising so. Usually said in a high pitched femine voice, just for banter. Can also be used as a way of starting conversation with an attractive woman.

"Ay Bruv, you see that girl? She's Daisy!"

"Excuse me, is your name Daisy...?"

See buff, peng, dook, fit, sexy


referring to one with great feminine qualities; used as insult to males

the pretty daisy flower

See passive, girly, sweet, timid


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