What is Danceturbate?
To dance by yourself while no one is watching.
Elizabeth: Hi Miguel, I heard a lot of music coming from your apartment last night. Were you having a party?
Miguel: No, I was by myself. I was danceturbating. Do you ever danceturbate?
Elizabeth: Yes, I danceturbate at least 4 times a week.
Mike: That's two times more than me. Maybe we should get together sometime.
Elizabeth: That would be totally sweet.
Mike: Excellent.
To dance by yourself while no one is watching.
Elizabeth: Hi Miguel, I heard a lot of music coming from your apartment last night. Were you having a party?
Miguel: No, I was by myself. I was danceturbating. Do you ever danceturbate?
Elizabeth: Yes, I danceturbate at least 4 times a week.
Miguel: That's two times more than me. Maybe we should get together sometime.
Elizabeth: That would be totally sweet.
Miguel: Excellent.