
What is Danika?


-beautiful female

-hilarious female

-good friend

-Wow. she's probably the most gorgeous woman ever.

*Ya. And she's hilarious!

-Is she a good friend?

*Heck yes!

-Wow. Then she's a Danika.

See danika, beauty, pretty, hot, sexy, good friend


Meaning most beautiful girl on the face of the earth.

Danika is a word that means the most amazing person ever. Fun to be around, the sweetest person ever. It also means most perfect girlfriend ever.

"You see that girl over there?"


"Dude... shes freakin awesome!"

"Yeah i know man... Shes just so perfect!"

"I bet ya shes a danika."

"Foshizzle yo"

See beautiful, amazing, sweet, perfect, fun, nice, hot


Slang for lesbian.

Guy 1: Were you hitting on that girl earlier?

Guy 2: Nah, dude. She's a danika

See lesbo, dyke, bi, gay, mexican


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