
What is Danushi?


Danushi is the 24th most common name given to girls in Sri Lanka. In the U.S., there are only 2, making up 0.0000001% of the population. Danushis typically eat cheese doodles as their primary forms of food. Danushis have a unique way of speaking. They tend to put emphasize their "oo"s, especially in the case of "cheese doodles". Danushis are caring, warm, and giving individuals who throw great surprise parties for friends and are born to be amazing Residents Assistants at any given college or university. If you meet a Danushi on the street, be sure to win over her friendship, for you will not be disappointed. You may achieve this by purchasing a bottle of Amarula for a Danushi.

"I love cheese doooooooooodles" - Danushi

See danushi, friendship


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