What is Darbonne?
Pronunciation: Dar-Bone
Function: Adjective, Noun, Verb, Pronoun...Depending on the ridiculous situation it's being used in.
Inflected Forms: Darbonne; Darbonnish
Etymology: French
Date: 21st Century
1: a ridiculous explanation used to excuse bad and inexcusable behavior and treatment towards the women, especially ones named Rachel Fukaya. i.e. adjective, verb
2: an excuse for the ill-treatment of others when chalking campuses early in the morning.
3: a shortened edition of a given name noun, pronoun
1: Why is Adam beating up Rachel?
He is attacking Rachel with such vulgarity and bruising her because he is
2: Mornings are privy to Darbonnish behavior.
3: Who's that jerk hitting the sweet, beautiful, and innocent young lady?
That would be the