
What is Darcey?


The mastermind behind all the great retarded things in the world. Two of his famous ones are the "Darcey Zoolander" (or the incurbent pose) and the word incurbent.

He tries to claim that the people he knows are more retarded than him, but everyone knows this is obviously not the case.

Guy 1: You've heard of Darcey right?

Guy 2: Yeah man!! The guy that invented the "Darcey Zoolander" and the word incurbent!

Guy 1: How awesome is he!?


See incurbent, douche


An attractive girl who is intelligent and witty. Often caught reading a book, a Darcey may come off as standoffish but is simply quite introverted. Darcey's warm up immensely when you get to know them.

That hot girl at the library must be a Darcey.

See books, smart, hot, darcy, darci


Awesome person also known as a rapist or stalker...or pshyco killer. Very short; and loves to show off all the time. but more improtantly is very cool and smart..and creative

Girl: You see that girl over by the freaks?!

Girl #2: lets stay away from her...shes a total Darcey.

See awesome, rapist, stalker, funny, cool


a wart on someones bum that becomes itchy and sore

ow my darcey is annoying

See wart, pain, itchy, sore, ugly


a wart on someones bum that becomes itchy and sore

ow my darcey is annoying

See wart, pain, itchy, sore, ugly


a person who is self centered

omg you are acting like a darcey

See acting, harsh, stupid, bitchy


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