Dark Slayers

What is Dark Slayers?


The number one clan in RuneScape. Undefeated for over a year, Dark Slayers was by far the best clan RuneScape has EVER seen, untill it closed at #1 rank. Dark Slayers was feared by every clan, not even Damage Inc would dare go to war with it. Dark Slayers once warred over 400 people at once and won!

*Ultimo Aries: Ffs, I hate DS, we should war them!

*Ghjjf: Are you kidding me? War? Dark Slayers!?

*Ekaggen: Can I hack them??

*Metallica100: War Dark Slayers!? I need a smoke!

See runescape, clan, war, ghjjf


The number one clan in RuneScape. Undefeated for over a year, Dark Slayers was by far the best clan RuneScape has EVER seen, untill it closed at #1 rank. Dark Slayers was feared by every clan, not even Damage Inc would dare go to war with it. Dark Slayers once warred over 400 people at once and won!

*Ultimo Aries: Ffs, I hate DS, we should war them!

*Ghjjf: Are you kidding me? War? Dark Slayers!?

*Ekaggen: Can I hack them?

*Metallica100: War Dark Slayers!? I need a smoke!

See runescape, ghjjf, scared


A RuneScape clan wannabe. Pc product that think they over the top.

They can't pk for shit. Pks in level 1 wild and yet bring telly. Hi

Welcome to RuneScape, newbies please start off PKing by Pks like Dark Slayers

See dark, slayers, noob, cant, pk, for, shit


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