What is Darktemplar?
DarkTemplar, or Sabaki|DarkTemplar, is an IRC whore that usually sits in #IGNNWN. Quite often he freaks the other members chatroom with seemingly random messages that borderline insane. Most consider his random acts as a residual effect o being an Online Neverwinter Nights Roleplay junkie
Damn, Im so tired that coffee's not having an effect on me anymore. I need some freaky shit with midgets and animals to keep me awake.
or whatever you think is a comfartabkle price
Sabaki|DT|withtehmissus>omfg i put my pants on inside out :/
Sabaki|DT|withtehmissus> too busy thinking bout cappy
Tecky> do you oft think about cappy with your pants off?
Sabaki|DT|withtehmissus> yeah, particularly when im in the toilet or shower, and sometimes late at night......
A playable unit in a popular game called Starcraft developed by Blizzard.
My DarkTemplar just killed your Marines because you forgot to scansweep.