
What is Darwinism?


The process by which, via natural selection, unfit specimens remove themselves from the gene pool. See Darwin Awards.

He lit up a match to check if the tank had gas in it. Darwinism ensued.


A buzzword that creationists use to refer to the theory of evolution. They use this word to try to equate the theory of evolution with ideologies like communism and fascism.

Such a tactic is dishonest. The theory of evolution is not an ideology. Ideologies are PROSCRIPTIVE--they make value judgments and say what should and shouldn't be done. The theory of evolution, like all other scientific theories like gravity, relativity, etc., is DESCRIPTIVE--it describes and explains facts. Such theories are testable by analyzing them to see what the predictions that they make, and then seeing if those predictions match the facts.

For example, applying the theory of relativity predicts where the stars will be. We look at our hubble telescope and see that lo and behold, the stars are indeed where the theory predicts them to be!

The theory of evolution predicts that the evidence will show that humans and chimpanzees are closely related. We look at human chromosome 2, and see that it's virtually totally analagous to two chimp chromosomes, and lo and behold, human chromosome 2 has a fusion site with telomeres in the middle of the chromosome! (Imagine taking the 2 chimp chromosomes and "scotch-taping" them together--that's what human chromosome 2 looks like).

darwinism is an example of a stupid and dishonest creationist buzzword.

See evolution, creation, strawman, darwin


A pejorative term used by proponents of creationistic intelligent design in an attempt to undermine modern evolution.

Often used to refer to things far outside the purview of Darwin's theory of evolution, which relied solely on natural selection as the mechanism for change.

Darwinism can't explain the bacterial flagellum, but intelligent design can!

See creationism, darwinism, evolution, creation, intelligent design


Makes more sense than Creationism like The Eiffel Toweris bigger than a dwarf

Wow! that darwinism sure makes a lot of sense

See more, sense, than, any, other, theory


First used by Thomas Henry Huxley in a review of Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species in the April 1860 issue of Westminster Review, it has since become a term used by creationists to poison the wellwhen discussing (attempting to discredit) the theory of evolution. By adding the -ism, they imply a system of beliefs or an ideology, hypocritically equating Darwinism to any other crackpot idea.

Calling someone a "Darwinist" or "evolutionist" is about as ridiculous as calling someone who accepts the fact of gravity a "gravitationalist," or someone who believes the earth is spherical a "sphericist."

Darwinism is wrongly thought by many fundamentalists to be the "religion" of atheists. It's true that most atheists accept Darwin's theory, but that fact is irrelevant to their nonbelief in a deity. They simply see no reason to reject something that's obviously true (i.e., it doesn't contradict some other belief that they refuse to give up).

Darwinism isn't a belief system or an ideology. A person who accepts Darwin's theory (after 150+ years and mountains of evidence in its favor) is merely non-delusional.

See darwin, evolution, creationism, idiots, retards, morons, stupid


A semi-scientific philosophy which claims that all life exists as a result of highly improbable circumstances and haphazard mutations a.k.a. "hopeful monsters." Darwinists have a tendency to proclaim that Darwinian evolution can account for everything (frog to a prince) while also appealing to ignorance in the face of massive gaps in their philosophy.

Darwinism is closely related to naturalism.

"The dogmatic apostles of Darwinism are a militant bunch."

See darwinism, darwin, evolution, scenester


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