
What is Daryl?







From the movie D.A.R.Y.L. (Daryl)

See name, acronym, barrel, sterile


The easter bunny's twin brother...Daryl.

Aqua Teen is the shit! (So, is Daryl!!!)

See meatwad, shake, frylock, aqua teen hunger force, athf, easter, bunny


a douche. The metaphor of identifying a person as a douche is intended to associate a variety of negative qualities, specifically arrogance and malice.

Hey, look at that daryl

See daryl, douche, fag, homo, dbag, d-bag, d bag, d, douche bag


Short for derelict, it's used as an adjective to describe something that's ratty or shady

The port-o-lets outside the concert were so daryl, that I almost threw-up

See ratty, filthy, hillbilly, gross, dirty


Slob, smells,and ogre looking but not to mention has a sick pick up game.

That guys got sick wheels what a Daryl

See darrel, darell, dwight, daryl


A girl who looks and often gets mistaken for a boy as Daryl is majoritively a boys name.

Daryls tend to be into sportswear and are overly nice.

Daryl is commonly a boys name

See gay, boy, who, loves, god


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