
What is Dat?



person 1- How was dat party that last dogg?

person 2- dat shit was off da hook


Derived from THAT.

Commonly used by those who are either too lazy to add the fourth letter, or teen homeboys and teenybopper girls who think that it 'iz totali awzum to speel inkorectly'. These people commonly listen to bastardised punk and 'NU Metal'

Man, dat Good Charlotte is totalli awzum!


a primitave version of the word 'that'

ook ook ooga munga dat

See Walnut


used when people are too lazy to write "that"

Dat bitch be crazy!!

See dat, that, lazy, gansta, stupid, Nexy


is a short way of saying that mainly used in text messages. In miami fl its meaning is random..just pay attention to how its used in a sentence

example:you are walking down the street and your friends sees you..you are wearing new clothes so she says "dat"

See live, random, idk, dat, iceberg


Acronym for Dental Admissions test; requires knowledge in genetics, biology, chemistry, quantitative reasoning, perceptual ability, organic chemistry and reading comprehension.

Considered by pre-medical and pre-dental students alike to be a scrawnier version of the MCAT, with discrete questions as opposed to the mind-bending passages that the MCAT puts you through.

Contains some truly sadistic perceptual ability questions, in which one is supposed to visualize the folding pattern of a 3-D object resembling nothing you have seen before in your life containing shapes you've never before seen in your life.

Like the MCAT, upon proximity to the test, you're only as good as your last practice test score, which sucked.

An 18 is regular, but in order to get into some of the better schools in the nation, like San Antonio, the standard DAT score is an 18.6, so take another practice test.

Student A: "Dude, it's cool that you copy my physics homework and all, but isn't your DAT score going to suffer?

Student B:*laughs* "I don't have to know that physics problem, I'm taking the DAT!:

Student A: Oh yeah, I forgot. *under breath* stupidass.

I passed up almost assured sex with a cute bridesmaid because of the DAT.

See dental, mcat, dentist, mind fuck


1- a small unit of measurement for marijuana; approx. .1 grams.

2- a smoking device using a sobe bottle

1- How much weed do you have left?

Just about a dats worth.

2- Dat's on you!

See waterfall, bong, weed, smoking, dats


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