What is Dave Matthews?
Lead singer and guitarist for the Dave Matthews Band. Born in South Africa, moved to the U.S. He's one of the coolest and chillest guys in the world. Released a solo CD, "Some Devil". Likes to drink Jack Daniels.
Guy 1: Yo Dave Matthews is mad chill
Guy 2: Hells yea he is
A Dave Matthews is when one enjoys drinking a beverage of human urine. This procedure was popularized by the musician of the same name, who enjoys the taste of urine on stage during performances.
If you're ever in a survival situation, or just need a refreshing beverage, drink a "Dave Matthews".
Dave matthews is an overrated piece of shit, has contributed nothing to music, donates to charity for publicity, and has a voice similar to the mating call of several species of owls. I hope i never have to see this idiot on the street, as everyone who comes into contact with this musical retard is suddenly in love with his shitty music. What pisses me off most is that most of this fag's fans would suck his dick right on the spot because they suck and they love listening to shitty, unoriginal, music without any substance whatsoever. Dave: I think I'll write a song about complete shit today... this is what Dave thinks every time he wakes up.
Oh we suck so let's go listen to Dave Matthews wail on a shitty track!