
What is Dboy?


dope boy- a dealer. just ask Lil Wayne.

I'm a dboy

Bitch I'm a dboy

Ho I'm a dopeboy

I got the scope in the rov for them jackboys

I got money in my pocket

I got money in my block

I got the money in the power

See cocaine, dealer, lil wayne, dope, drugs


Dumb/Drunk Bitch Of the Year

Ashley B = DBOY.

She is for sure DBOY this year.

See dumb, drunk, bitch, year


writerFrom "POMPEY" who lived in Spain and revolutionised

graffiti where he lived by beating the systemand being famous by "tagging" dboy everywhere...

writer:graffiti artist

system: tha POLICE

1- He dboyed the system

2- lets dboy that school

See dboy, graffiti, tags, system, artist


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