What is D.c. Metro Ghetto Area?


D.C. Metro Ghetto Area - (noun) - Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area - The District of Columbia and immediately adjacent jurisdictions to include Montgomery County, MD, Prince George's County, MD, Fairfax County, VA, and Arlington County, VA.

Washington, D.C. is one of the largest and most violent urban regions in the United States. In the 1990's, D.C was the murder capital of the U.S. In present day America, the Washington Metropolitan Area is home to some of the largest and most notorious gang population including the Bloods, Crips, MS-13, Latin Kings, Vatos Locos and Gangster Disciples to name a few. Violent crime is a daily occurence in D.C. and its immediately surrounding areas of Maryland and Virginia. The area is a cess-pool of illegal immigrants and a melting pot of cultures. Crime and events that once topped the nightly news have become second-page information in the Washington Post and regional nightly newscasts in the D.C. Metro Ghetto Area. Drugs and weapons flow on the streets like the blood they draw. The D.C. Metro Ghetto Area is the home of the most powerful politics on the planet. Daily commuter traffic tops the charts of the worst place to drive during rush hour, and environmental polution is a rapidly increasing danger. The D.C. Metro Ghetto Area is home to a multitude of prime terrorist targets, including the White House, multiple international airports, the Metro system and home base of countless federal government offices. The area is a prime example of the failure of gun control and a drug laws, and the poster child for the need of expanded public safety services, better education and hardened government.

People who proclaim to be from D.C. must reside within the confines of the District of Columbia and immediately adjacent jurisdictions to include Montgomery County, MD, Prince George's County, MD, Fairfax County, VA, and Arlington County, VA. The D.C. Metro Ghetto area is rapidly expanding by population to include Frederick County, MD, Anne Arundel County, MD, Charles County, MD and Prince William County, VA.

See washington, d.c., gangs, northern virginia


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