
What is D-day?


D-Day, (despite all the celebration behind the specific one on June 6, 1944) is actually the generic Army term for any amphibious landing. There were countless D-Day's throughout Europe and Asia during WW2, but nowadays when someone says D-Day it's 99% sure they are talking about the Allied attack on Normandy, France in 1944.

I rock. My name is Tom.


The day The Allies invaded France, and told Hitler that his days were numbered. Omaha Beach is the target for many movies and video games etc. because the casualty rate was higher than the other 5 beaches combined.

Omaha Beach: 2400 dead/wounded

Gold, Juno, Sword, Utah, and Pointe du Hoc: 1675 dead/wounded

The landings of D-Day took months of careful planning. The invasion began with the Paratroopers of Americas 101st, and 82nd, along with the British glider soldiers, they secured many towns and villages before daybreak, and also caused alot of chaos for the German ranks before the initial landings. Free French (La' Resistance) sabotaged railway systems used by Germans for supply lines, and sheltered American and British soldiers who were lost, or hiding from German soldiers.

Landing Assignments:

American: Omaha, Utah, and Pointe Du Hoc

British: Sword,and Gold

Canada: Juno


Axis: Erwin Rommel (Germany)

Allies: General Dwight D. Eisenhower (U.S.), Bernard Montgomery (British, Canadians)

End Result:


Allies: 4075 Dead/Wounded/Missing

Axis: Unknown (most likely in the high thousands)

Area taken: All 6 beaches plus surounding towns and villages. I.E. Vierville Sur Mer

Date set for invasion: Originally set for June 5th, but because of the random weather of the English channel the landing force could not land until weather was clearer. Date was then set to June 6th, 1944.

Misc. Fact: Within a span of a few weeks (from August 25 to September 17 1944) The Allies liberated Paris, liberated 7 villages, the Allies crossed the Siegfried Line into Germany, and Operation Market Garden began (largest airborne invasion in history)in Holland (the third installment in the Brothers In Arms saga will be based on the Airborne drops into Holland, beginning with the jump, to the bitter defeat of the Allied Paratroopers.). This failed operation lights the fuse that will later explode into the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes.

D-Day is a topic often misunderstood because of Hollywoods traditional way of showing the grand Allies fighting the savage Nazis, but we should all remember that not all Germans were Nazis(Rommel for example rejected Nazism, and plotted to assassinate Hitler).

If you want to get a clearer view on D-Day I suggest watching Saving Private Ryan, or picking up a book, or documentary.

See la resistance, rommel


1. 6th June 1944 - When the troops invaded France in the turning point of WWII

2. When all the Charver scum of Great Britain stagger down to the the job centre to get their 'wages'. D-day is when you can find all the unemployable scum in parks with cheap cider, or bags of heroin/crack trying to have sex with 13 year old girls.

1. There is an educational film on about D-day tonight

2 Chav: Fuckin' d-day comes along get yourself some thatcher's white magic - it's the fuckin' biz an i'm off to be buzzin off my tits in a bit innit

See Ali


1. June 6, 1994

2. Designated day; unnamed day on which operations commence or are scheduled to commence.

The Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944

See Ryan


Canadian, British, and American armies landed on Gold, Juno, Sword, Utah, and Omaha beaches in northern France in attempt to breach the German defences protecting their western flank. Unfortunately for the mother fucking Nazi's, our bad ass Westerners knocked them the fuck out. About 110 000 soldiers landed on June 6th 1994 and about 10 000 became casualties. The Americans had particular difficulty securing Omaha beach where German defences mowed down their soldiers with supressive machine gun, mortar and airial fire.

Luckily for us, we fucking rock and we rocked those fudge packing Nazi's all the way back to Berlin and squeezed them between the left ass cheek of the Canadians, British, and Americans and right ass cheek of the Russians.


Nazi: Hey look, it's the Canadians

Nazi 2: Hey look it's the British

Nazi 3: Hey look it's the Americans

Nazi 4: Hey look we're gonna fucking die!

Adolf Hitler: Give me Canadian men and American equipment and I'll win the war.

Canada rules!

I purpose for the unification of America and Canada to become the "United Sates of North America"....we'll take over the world.

See Jordan


To everyone with negative things to say about d-day: how about you show some fucking respect for the people who fought and died there. They are the reason you have many of the freedoms you enjoy, so shut the fuck up and show some appreciation.

Liberal assclowns have no reverence for those who have fought and died to maintain the blanket of freedom under which they sleep at night.

See Aaron


6, June 1944 not 1943 or 1994 you retards read a fuckin book for once D-Day was an important turning point in the war and it was not to save France from the fuckin Commies it was to free a peoples from a tyrant.

D-Day os on 6, June 1944 consisting of a larga force of Americans, British, and Canadians, and have respect for the men who died cause of the Krauts

See kraut, wwii, hitler, allies, axis, deathstars


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