Dead Root

What is Dead Root?


A noun used to label / describe or characterize a person whom has engaged in coitus, adn whom was either particularly:

a)sexually unfulfilling

b)sexually disatisfying

c)frigid, but is coerced by their

partner - without resort to rape - to engage in intercourse and has proved to be unadventurous or generally unco-operative

d)fundamentally a 'dud' in the sack.

e)a person (generally female) who engages in coitus under the pretense that the said act requires them solely to be both present and semi-recumbent so as to allow penetration, without any effort or manoveuring (i.e. movement - just lay there and take it)

See also 'starfish'

"Fuck dude! Tahli was a dead root ... I was like fully trying to mach her, but she just lay there."

"She is a dead root man, don't go there; may as well fuck a pie - cause you'll end up doing all the work."


A noun used to label / describe or characterize a person whom has engaged in coitus, and whom was either particularly:

a)sexually unfulfilling

b)sexually disatisfying

c)frigid, but is coerced by their partner - without resort to rape - to engage in intercourse, and has proved to be unadventurous or generally uncooperative

d)fundamentally a 'dud' in the sack.

e)a person (generally female) who engages in coitus under the pretense that the said act requires them to be both present and semi-recumbent so as to allow penetration, without any effort or manoeuvering(i.e. movement - just lay there and take it)

"Fuck dude! Tahli was a dead root ... I was like fully trying to mach her, but she just lay there."

"She is a dead root man, don't go there; may as well fuck a pie - cause you'll end up doing all the work."

See starfish, corn chip, warm apple pie, germaine greer


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