Death To Smoochy

What is Death To Smoochy?


1. The "call to arms" cry of protest, shouted by people radically opposed to the slang word smoochreplacing the more formal kiss

2. A movie starring Robin Williams and a 2-legged rat that looks like Danny DeVito

Joe Moviegoer: Did you see Death To Smoochy?

Nude Protestor: Death to Smoochy! Death to Smoochy! Deaaaath Toooooo Smooooochy!

American Flag: It's his right to protest!

See death, to, smoochy, rat, kiss


Rough sex. To pound a girl's vagina.

"she's about to get that Death to Smoochy"

See sex, rough sex, pound, destroy


Rough sex. To pound a girl's vagina.

"she's about to get that Death to Smoochy"

See sex, rough sex, pound, fuck


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