
What is Deathcore?


Contrary to what most people believe, deathcore is actually death metal fused with METALCORE; not hardcore. There is a difference.

Deathcore features breakdowns, heavily palm muted riffing, death growls, pig squeals, and technical awesomeness.

Some examples of dXc bands are Suicide Silence, Carnifex, Job For A Cowboy (pre Genesis), Whitechapel, Elysia, and Knights of the Abyss.

Deathcore. Yeh. Thumbs up :]

See deathcore, dxc, core, death metal, metalcore


Deathcore is a style of extreme music often confused by its fans with death metal. Deathcore draws heavily from the "malcore" style of metalcore in the sense that elements of its sound, both in composition and production, are rejected by the more conservative metal culture (ex. death/black/thrash/sludge metal). Deathcore differs from metalcore in the sense that it is generally faster, more heavy, and tending toward darker themes such as are present in death metal. Deathcore is also notorious for the excessive use of breakdowns, an element also present (but less frequent) in death metal and other 'true' metal genres. Hardcore dancing, a dance style in which fans swing their arms and legs violently in rhythm, has become hugely popular among deathcore fans, and is a trademark of live deathcore shows.

Despite many fans' beliefs, deathcore is vastly different from traditional death metal. Musically, the deathcore song structure is generally much more formulaic than that of death metal; songs tend to have one or two guitar riffs, several breakdowns, and possibly a chorus. Deathcore composition is also much less complex, many songs featuring doubled guitar parts or simple guitar harmonies, with the bass guitar being almost entirely indistinguishable.

Possibly the biggest difference between the two genres lies in their production. Deathcore is produced similarly to metalcore in many ways. Clean guitar parts, extremely balanced guitar and vocal tracks, as well as heavily mastered drum tracks tend to cause deathcore and metalcore to sound much like popular hard rock music in terms of production.

1. (deathcore fan): "you don't understand man, job for a cowboy is not at all a deathcore band... they're totally death metal"

(death metal fan): "well i don't really know their music that well but I'm about 99% sure that if i played Suffocation's 'pierced from within' album alongside anything job for a cowboy has put out, it would be pretty clear that they are in fact death core"

(deathcore fan): "..........."

2. "Dude did you see Whitechapel when they opened for c

cannibal Corpse? Talk about a shitty ass deathcore band. I mean, they have three guitar players and they're all playing the same part ?!?!? And I'm pretty sure one of their songs was just four breakdowns in a row."

See core, death metal, grindcore, metal, extreme


Deathcore is not an exact crossbreed between Death Metal and Metalcore. It still is largely Metalcore in its character. The fact that Deathcore features breakdowns, palm muting, blastbeats, death grunts, pig squeals, shrieks and screams entails in people wrongly understanding it to be Death Metal. Nonetheless, breakdowns are now widely accepted as being representative of Deathcore and not as much Death Metal which was established by bands like Dying Fetus as being a characteristic of Death Metal. An easy method of distinguishing between Deathcore and Death Metal would be to consider the lyrical content. Death Metal discusses gore, bloodshed, murder, rape etc. to vulgar lengths while Deathcore features no such references in its songs. Another thing to consider is the sound - this is the tricky part and it may lead to some falsely believing Deathcore to be Technical Death Metal due to its speed and frequent key changes. Deathcore tends to sound very disorganised and monotonous due to its formulaic approach towards music.

I don't take pride in being a fan of Deathcore. Besides, it attracts a lot of posers.

See deathcore, metalcore, fuck, boobs, anonymous


a term created by those that like to subcategorize as far as they can, when really, almost every single band dubbed as "deathcore" can be considered death metal. what makes the "genre" deathcore even more ridiculous, is that no bands will actually call themselves, nor admit to being deathcore, the "fans" and familiars are the ones that name it such. the only difference between what people consider death metal and deathcore is that "deathcore" focuses a little bit more on breakdowns, but old death metal bands such as Dying Fetus uses breakdown very much in their music, and are still called death metal.

Scene Guy1: liek omgz doh did you hear abowt taht new deathcore band carnifex?!?!?!

Non-Faggot1: Yeah, they've been around for awhile and they're not deathcore you scene fag. They're straight fucking death metal.

Scene Guy1: oo.. well they still are hella br00t4l!!1!1!1!

Non-Faggot1: No, brutal is a gay ass word when using it to describe music, gtfo my /b/

**Scene Guy1 goes and faps to Bring Me The Horizon**

See gay, fags, unreal


Emo that has evolved just a tiny bit from talking about killing themselves, to bringing out their frustration with their parents and their small genitalia stolen from what used to be brutal lyrical themes from death metal.

Calling this shit "metal" and calling yourself a "metalhead" when you like any deathcore or deathcore influenced bands is completely wrong, and you are completely gay.

Go listen to real metal. Faggots.

"Deathcore is shit"

"Did you see those gay scene emo faggots listening to that shit deathcore?"

"'bree bree rape' LoL look how kewl i am because i like emos that can squeel like pigs and play grade 1 on their instruments"

See deathcore, shit, emo, scene, faggot, die


A really shitty kind of music that's bastardized the name of hardcore and attracted legions of posers who basically stole the fashion from earlier punk rock, hardcore, and emo, overdid it to the point of looking really lame and deprived of attention as well as listening to bands that sonically have absolutely nothing to do with where their fashion comes from. So basically these kids have absolute shit for taste in music but enjoy flamboyantly dressing up in a desperate plea for attention, and are idiots musically and otherwise.

Deathcore was spawned basically from metalcore as it was becoming more overplayed and gaining more mainstream popularity. It was around this time that probably some ugly idiots who happened to be at ozzfest saw some metalcore bands playing and conjured up the flawed idea that combining shitty death metal and metalcore as well as dressing up could be "cool" or "cutting-edge".

Also most death metal sucks to begin with, listened to mostly by ugly dudes with long hair who enjoy playing dungeons and dragons and not showering.

Nonetheless deathcore fans are generally posers to both metal(because of the way they dress) and hardcore(because of having no real knowledge of the genre as well as punk rock, DIY, independent media, etc.).

The tail end of metalcore and deathcore mark a sad milestone for the hardcore genre, as this is the first time within almost 30 years of history of the genre that it is being bastardized and exploited in such a way, this has happened to metal numerous times throughout the years but only recently for hardcore.

The worst kind of deathcore people are the girls, these stupid misguided teenagers who've probably been molested by family members growing up or something see listening to shitty music as a gateway to dressing up, being slutty, and gaining attention. These girls have the intelligence of a brick wall and have no exposure or understanding of actual good music.

On a final note many of these bands find it necessary to down-tune their guitars in much the same way as nu-metal.

Deathcore: Suicide Silence, Job For a Cowboy, Whitechapel, The Acacia Strain, Through The Eyes of The Dead, Animosity, I could keep going on all these bands suck and are devoid of any real passion.

See poser, death metal, metalcore, dxc, job for a cowboy


My personal favorite genre of music, deathcore is a fusion of death metal and metalcore, used in deathcore: harsh vocals that can lead to pig squeals, palm muted guitar riffs, drums that sound like machine guns, and breakdowns.

Good deathcore bands:Job for a cowboy, whitechapel, The Irish front,and dance club massacre

See deathcore, metalcore, death metal, breakdown, jfac, bmth


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