
What is Deathrocker?



1) A member of the deathrock counter-culture

2) A missing link between punkand goth

3) A gothic-punk

Style and appearance:

A deathrocker's style is:

1) A mix of the goth and punkfashion: blackgray clothes, ripped clothes typical to punk, amulets and jewelry typical to goth, combatiker boots (Doc Martins preferably).

2) Makeup

3) Nail-polish (some say it's necessary)

4) Deathhawk, mohawk, spikes, irokez, death guy doo, trihawk, any colored or natural hair

5) D.I.Y.


1) Have ironic humor

2) Be fond of blood, brains, zombies (mostly), vampires, bats.

3) Be political.

4) Be interested in supernatural, strange, mystical, occult things

5) Pretend to be undead

6) Be artistic, as both punks and goths are artistic people

7) Read a lot (mostly anything you like)

8) Mosh and fight! - since you're half punk, you can mosh or fight whenever you want, as you have to stand up for what is yours

9) Be ironic!

10) Walk around graveyards, as you're half goth, just don't mess it up

11) Never be too serious

12) Watch horror

13) Be yourself and don't sell-out!

14) Worship death, but don't take it as a authority

15) Be against mainstream

Music: (bands are JUST examples, listen to anything you like of these genres)

1) Deathrock (TSOL, 45 Grave, Christian Death)

2) Batcave

3) Post-punk (Joy Division, Siouxie and The Banshees)

4) Goth-rock (there's not much there anymore, listen to what you find, unless they're posers or pop-goth)

5) Punk-rock (any with political background, but not pop-punk)

6) Horror-punk (The Horrors, Misfits, Wednesday 13)

A deathrocker is both political and morbid

See gothic-punk, goth, punk, diy, batcave


Listens to bands that you have never heard of. Has hairstyle that can only be described as "complicated." (Most likely achieved by a minimum of one week not washing it.) Probably tattooed. Maybe gay. Definitely cooler than you. Reads Black Book, Nylon, and the Styles section of the New York Times. Drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon. Often. Complains. Always denies being a deathrocker. Hates the word. Probably living off parents money - and spends a great deal of it to look like they don't have any. Has friends and/or self cut hair. Dyes it frequently (black, white-blonde, etc. and until scalp bleeds). Has a closet full of clothing but usually wears same three things OVER AND OVER (most likely very tight black pants, scarf, and ironic tee-shirt). Chips off nail polish artfully after $50 manicure. Sleeps with everyone and talks about it at great volume in crowded coffee shops. Addicted to coffee, cigarettes (Parliaments, Kamel Reds, Lucky Strikes, etc.), and possibly cocaine. Claims to be in a band. Rehearsals consist of choosing outfits for next show and drinking PBR. Always on the list. Majors or majored in art, writing, or queer studies. Name-drops. May go by "Penny Lane," "Eleanor Rigby," etc. when drunk. On PBR. Which is usually.

Wow, wait, is this the definition of "hipster"? Could it be... deathrockers are... HIPSTERS!?

See hipster, faggot, deathrock, goth, piece of shit


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