
What is Decline?


Flash cartoon series featured on Newgrounds and FlashPlayer

Starting life as a Devil May Cry parody, "Decline of Video Gaming" expanded into a largely popular series about all sorts of video games and developers.

user321: Dude do you know when the new Decline is gonna be out?

user876: Dunno, but if it were possible to camp outside Newgrounds overnight, I would.


An exclamation used to express disapproval, disgust, and/or a refusal to a request. Commonly has emphasis on the first syllable.

Me: I failed that chemistry exam from last week.

Friend: Decline! Can you make it up?

Me: No...

Friend: Double decline!

(emphasis on the first syllable in the following example)

Me: This fnasty guy hit on me on the train today.

Friend: DEEEcline!

See ew, no, fuck that shit, absolutely not, that sucks, gross


The best song EVER.... by NOFX


I pity the fool who has to play a song for 18 minutes... but NOFX is awesome

See Batman


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