Deepfried Twinkie

What is Deepfried Twinkie?


When a man fucks a woman in the ass causing a gaping asshole. The man then shits into the woman's gaping asshole and proceeds to fuck her ass with his shit still inside. The man then fucks the shit until he ejaculates into it. After that the woman shits all of what was in her ass onto the man's dick thus resembling a deepfried twinkie with some of the creamy filling seeping out.

Me and my girlfriend made a Deepfried Twinkie last night, it was fucking sick!

See ass, cock, cleaveland steamer, rusty trombone, strawberry shortcake, pussy, vagina, sex, anal, shit, crap, poo, cum, semen, sperm, orgasm, jizz, cunt, angry dragon, dutch rudder, double dutch rudder, dildo


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