Deez Nutz

What is Deez Nutz?


A joke that originated from the song "Deeez Nuuuts" on Dr. Dre's original album "The Chronic", released in 1992. Since then, the phrase has mutated into "deez nutz" and catching people with "deez nutz" has become America's 3,157th favorite pastime, just behind underwater basket-weaving and just ahead of collecting Spongebob Squarepants paraphernalia. The game works as following: you ask someone a question, and if the response is "What?", "Who?", "Huh?" or anything starting starting with one of the 5 "W's", you're free to get that person with "DEEEEEZ NUUUUUTZ!!!". Works best when done loudly in quiet public places such as a lecture hall, church, or a line at the bank. Some ways to catch someone are as follows:

1) The classics. You may need to say these quickly or mumble them so people don't realize you're trying to catch them.

You: "Did what's his name get at you/give you a call/give you a holla/holla atcha/etc.?"

OR "Did dee/deez call last night?"

(or anything similar)

Victim: "Who?"


2) Names. Many names work in a similar way:

Neil and Bob -> "Neil and Bob (kneel and bob) on DEEZ NUTZ!"

Mandy -> "Man DEEZ NUTZ be all up in yo' mouth!"

Joe -> "JOE MAMMA!"

Mike -> "Mike DICK!"

Justin -> "Justin time for me to come in your mouth!"

3) Questions.

"Did you get it?" -> "Did you get DEEZ NUTZ out of your mouth?"

"How'd you do it?" -> "How'd you get DEEZ NUTZ out of your mouth?!?!"

"Are you going to the big party?" -> "Party in your mouth and everyone's coming!"

"Do you like the Phillies or the Yankees?" -> "Phil (feel) DEEZ NUTZ!" OR "Yank DEEZ NUTZ!"

"Do you like Wendy's or McD's?" -> "Wen-DEEZ NUTZ!" OR "Mc-DEEZ NUTZ!"

"Do you like tapes or CD's" -> if "CD's" is the answer..."C (See) DEEZ NUTZ!"

4) Advanced (when people get too good at it). Throw "dee" or "deez" into any question or statement, wait for a "what?" or "who?" type answer.


"Dee go with you at the game the other day?"

"Dee got with that girl last night at Rick's house."

"Dee was gonna play basketball a little later."

"Dee get you that new Snoop Dogg CD?"

You can also use the names listed in (2) in this way.

To avoid being caught, always say "I didn't hear you" or something of the sort instead of something like "What?" or "Huh?" when you didn't understand what someone said.

I know it sounds really dumb, but it's hilarious. This was the thing to do back when I was in high school.

See Nick D


something to say to annoy or frusterate something. one of the most popular listed below.

a.) Sir you can't park there.

b.) nah it's cool i talked to D.

a.) d who?


this situation occured when joe mccann parked in the fire lane at home depot. after the comment, he proceeded to walk inside to return a saw.


A colloquial spike-strip engineered to derail coherent discourse.

"Hey yo, I think I see Mandy!"

Reply: "Mandy?"

"Yeah, Man Deeeez Nuts feel good on your chin"


Deez Nutz! *grabs testicles* Self-explanatory.

Small Child: Excuse me sir, what time is it?

Vile Man: Two of.

Small Child: Two of what?

Vile Man: TWO OF DEEZ NUTZ! *grabs testicles*


Old past time in which men act like boys.

Me: Hey Family you remember Botha from High School.

You: Botha who


See deez, nutz, dooze, nuts, dees


Yo do you prefer Tapes or CD's?


Well then CDeeeeez Nutz on your foehead!!


something to make people mad

Want a pizza?

How bout a pizza(piece of) deez nutz


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