Deflector Dome

What is Deflector Dome?


1) A person with a very large, misshapen cranium, and cannot or does not remember or understand basic instruction 5 minutes after they have heard them and acknowledged said instructions.

2) Someone who says, "O.k.", "I will get it done." or "Aye, Sir!" while staring blankly and obviously not grasping the information given.

3) Someone who has more interest in the bright lights overhead rather than interpreting the information given.

4) A term meaning it is like they have deflector shields in or around their head to keep out any and all pertinent information.

Mike has a huge deflector dome! Information seems to just bounce right off that guy!

See cranium, head, shields


1) A person with a very large, misshapen cranium, and cannot or does not remember or understand basic instruction 5 minutes after they have heard them and acknowledged said instructions.

2) Someone who says, "O.k." or "I will get it done." while staring blankly and obviously not grasping the information given.

3) Someone who has more interest in the bright lights overhead rather than interpreting the pertinent information given.

It's like Mike has a deflector dome!!! All information just bounces right off that guy!

See cranium, dome, shields, TheCradle


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