
What is Degrassi-boards?


Fascism in the form of a message forum for fans of the television show Degrassi. You are sorted into a clique that you can't change. The three cliques are the rebels, popularsand the musicians. The mods are robotic and lock every post if it violates the Code of Conduct. Full of 11-25 year old retards who like to chat in the shoutboxand make retarded banners with zero photoshop skills. You can buy glowing usernames in the user store and whore yourself out for points in the shoutbox. The mods train the members to asskiss as much as possible.

YoYo13453: Hey, what are you doing?

SmileyGurlWhoA: im on dergassib-arods lol im so proud of my clique!! woo populars spirit week!!!

YoYo13453: I haven't been there in a while, not after one of the mods PMed me and told me to take my banner down.


YoYo13453: Um... what?

SmileyGurlWhoA: yay go popularzzz! lol lol :):):):)


I'm sorry, but your post is missing important information. Read the fanfic forum rules and then PM I or one of the mods to open this thread up again. Sorry! :)


Your banner is past regulation size, therefore you shall die. ;) EMAN 4 LIFE Y'ALLZ!


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