
What is Delay?


Late for a scheduled event.

He's delayed.


Comes from one of the most anticipated PC game title of our generation: Half-Life 2.

Serves to pump-up the gaming community to the boiling point and increase video card sales for Nvidia and ATI.

"We've already spent millions into this project, and we're willing to spend as much as we need to make this the best first person experience ever. If that means delaying the game to 2005, we'll do it without any hesitation. If it means sinking another $20 million into the project, we can do it. Rest assured, if we delay the game, it'll be only to blow your socks off even more... if we finally release it."


1. A stupid-ass retarded kid from school. His name is listed in the dictionary as retarded because he is.

2. Redneck from school. Cannot properly speak English.

"i dun b me and i noez how 2 play teh guitar and rid teh sk8bord"


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