Delmarva Peninsula

What is Delmarva Peninsula?


The Delmarva Peninsula, just called DelMarVa to most, is an area of the mid-atlantic region consisting of the lower two-thirds of DELaware, the Eastern shore of MARyland, and um, that strip of land from VirginiA. surrounded by the chesapeake bay and the delaware bay on three sides. major 'cities' include dover, salisbury, and Ocean City. the beaches are less crowded than in VA Beach, but the area has fallen victim to urban sprawland somewhat bad traffic during the summer and back to school sales with the no-tax shopping in Delaware, or whenever the races come to town, or whenever the National Punkin Chunkin' takes place (don't ask). it's kinda hard to notice unless you look at a map and see how part of Maryland and Delaware and Virginia stick out from the rest of the surrounding states. delmarva is a cool little region that the natives tend to appreciate.

some guy: oh god, this heavily muscled middle aged guy has been stalking me all the way from laurel!

some other guy: chill dude, thats the governor mrs. ruth ann minner trying to give you a handshake. go to Ocean City and she'll run away.


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