Delta Sigma Pi

What is Delta Sigma Pi?


Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community.

Delta Sigma Pi was founded in 1907 at New York University: School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance by Harold Valentine Jacobs, Alexander Frank Makay, Alfred Moysello and Henry Albert Tienken. Today, coast to coast, more than 250 chapters and over 200,000 members support the goals and ideals of the Fraternity.

See dsp


We work hard and party even harder. We also don't have to bad talk our rival business fraternities to try to make us look better because we are more PROFESSIONAL than that.

Delta Sigma Pi: Business in the front, party in the back"

See greek, business


Delta Sigma Pi is a so-called professional organization that allows underage drinking at official events and only becomes upset when the pictures are posted on a website.

The underage drinking took place at a Delta Sigma Pi Spring 2007 Pledge Social Event known as the Heaven and Hell Party. Their idea of community service is stuffing three trinkets in a paper bag and handing it out to parents whose children are in the hospital. If a member should try to voluntarily withdraw due to grieving over a family death, the executive committee just might suggest that the grieving person seemed to be fine during the pledge process and therefore should not be allowed to withdraw. Give this all of the hissing and booing that you please, but I have seen this with my own eyes.

See underage, drinking, pledge, cult


a weak and pathetic co-ed business fraternity that pretends to be professional but is actually made up of a bunch of pussies.

Gets the shit beat out of them on a routine basis by the obviously superior Alpha Kappa Psi.

DSP = Dick Sucking Pussies

"That kid is out back throwing up after a beer and a half. He must be in Delta Sigma Pi."

See dsp, pussy, weak-sauce, phonies, sucks


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