
What is Denienced?


Denied, banned or otherwise forbidden. Was accidentally created on the worldofspectrum forums by a Portuguese webmaster whose English wasn't very good, in the classic thread "Activision has joined the DENIENCES section".

"Denienced" has become the standard term on WoS for denied-distribution games; it's also used on the retrospec.sgn forums as the member-group for banned users.

Too bad Codemasters titles are denienced, otherwise we could *ahem* pass an ISO of the CD and the corresponding loader TAP/TZX between us *ahem* to help each other out *ahem-ahem-ahem*.

-- Marcelo in the WoS thread "Does anyone have the CD codemaster pack?"

See denied, denial, denialate, denialated, denialist, denialize


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