
What is Desperation?


Sometimes used to provoke the opposite sex by not going to the bathroom and arousing the other sex when the said person who was practicing desperation pissed themselves.

Rachel was so sure that John liked desperation, that when she saw him watching her dance around, she just let go.

See kinky, provoke, pee, desperate, sex


Wanting or needing something so badly that you will do anything, even if its immoral, illegal, degrading, self-humiliating, or in poor taste.

The Yankees were so filled with desperation to win a game that A-Rod actually called out "mine" while running the bases, causing the third basemen of the Blue Jays to miss a 2-out pop fly.

See yankees, desperate, stupid, cheap


1. a desperate state of mind.

2. in dire staits.

3. in need of a bathroom.

1. "I can't put up with this much longer."

2. "I don't know how much longer I can hold out."

3. "I really need to pee....NOW!"

See ben


A convenient anagram of 'a rope ends it'.

No other cure for desperation.


adjective. used to describe something of lesser quality, but will fill the need in desperate times.

desperation toilet paper can be made with coffee filters or grain bags.


The most fucking hardest emotion to deal with as a guy. Seriously, the desperation over women makes you want to kill yourself. All it takes is physical beauty, a sweet voice and seductive body language and facial expressions and a normal guy will be overpowered by such greed to want to fuck the beautiful goddess that he just met like 5 minutes ago. But once she decides to leave (in a teasing manner of course), it's like the feeling of having your money taking away, or someone who you really love and trust simply abandon you. Imagine a loved one or a friend promising to meet and spend time with you, only to abandon you and you'll realize the magnitude of the hell that single guys go through. Or try to imagine having to function without food or sleep.

Desperation can lead to anxiety depression and suicide. It's the Achilles heal of a man.

After watching a movie involving seduction and sex, so many guys will feel desperation, and envious at the fact that it didn't happen to them. It's painful and sad to be the ones who lose out in such a competitive and vicious game of sexuality.

See desperation, frustration, sex, women, men, girls, seduction, afc, rafc, bafc, dating, suffering, depression, anxiety, suicide, discrimination, persecution, hurt, sadness, pain, painful, horrible, bullying, victim, victimized


People that are so desperate for a girlfriend that they will go out with a girl from Canada that they met over X-Box Live.

Dave Farrell had a girlfriend in Canada who he met over X-Box Live.

See Nobody


A woman trying to hold on to something that is no longer there in terms of a relationship and has not come to the point of letting it go.

Some of the signs include: managing

pages on networking sites such as myspace and blogspot and posting OLD pictures of the former couple to make them look like they are still together and posts tidbits about their life together, despite the fact that he left a long time ago.

She also gains friends and talks of nothing else except the personal lives of the former couple because the friends have no idea they have split up.

She also dotes attention on her animals as though they are her children. She is also a micro-manager. She thinks everything he does and after two dates,

she already says "I LOVE YOU".

A woman like this is never without a relationship. Each man is different.

She has started to post old pictures? That is the first sign of desperation (in a female)!

See desperate, desperation, obsessive, micromanager, depressed


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