What is Despondentmassatrophy?


The Industrail / Experimental / Grime / Noize band that will make your mind cave-in and your heart explode from your chest.

Members: Heir Boxen (insanity, programming, drum tracks, synth lines)



-Skinny Puppy


-Venetian Snares

-Aphex Twin


-Automobile Accidents



-Very very bad things you dont like to think about

Sounds Like:

Everything that makes you sick,cry,or hurt inside...with a hammer

Despondentmassatrophy will pleasurably melt your mind.

Listen to DespondentMassAtrophy (D.M.A.), it will pleasurably melt your mind.

See despondentmassatrophy, dma, d.m.a, noize


The Industrail / Experimental / Grime / Noizeband that will make your mind cave-in and your heart explode from your chest.

Members: Heir Boxen (insanity, programming, drum tracks, synth lines)



- Skinny Puppy

- Slayer

- Venetian Snares

-Aphex Twin


-Automobile Accidents



-Very very bad things you dont like to think about

Sounds Like:

Everything that makes you sick,cry,or hurt inside...with a hammer

Despondentmassatrophy will pleasurably melt your mind.

See noize, sex, blood, anger, savage


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