
What is Destruction?


What you are on the way to if someone takes all your base. See all your base are belong to us and Zero Wingfor more.

CATS: "All your base are belong to us."

"You are on the way to destruction."


Destruction: the skillful art of demolishing something

A great passtime

"those dang kids gone destroyed the school again...burnt it right to the ground before anyone even noticed...nobody cares about school obviously..."


Thrash metal band from Germany formed in 1982. Considered to be part of the unholy triumvirate of German thrash alongside Sodom and Kreator.

Destruction are a very underrated thrash metal band.

See kreator, sodom, thrash metal, germany


Legendary thrash metal band from Germany. Featuring: Marcel "Schmier" Schirmer - Bass & Vocals, Mike Sifringer - Lead Guitar, and Marc Reign - Drums.

Infernal overkill is a sikk album by Destruction.

See destruction, thrash, metal, germany, slayer, megadeth, sodom, kreator


Depends on what end of the pen you're looking at it from

I recently dreamed that the ghost of a woman who used to live in my apartment visited my bedside. She told me her name was Marguerite. She proceeded to ask me about my life as she rifled through my belongings. "What are you looking for?" I asked. "My destruction," she said. I asked her to define "destruction." She smirked. "It depends on what end of the pen you're looking at it from."

See ghost, death, writing, poetry, pen, dream


The act of having vigorous, non-commital, sexual relationships with a woman that is too hot not to do so with.

"dude, I wanna destroy Samantha so bad! LOOK AT HER MAN!"

"I destroyed michelle last night, it was the first act of destruction i've committed in awhile"

See screw, sex, destroy, destroyed, bang


Term used when someone finds themselves in a state of utter, complete, and total annihalation, because they have chosen to resort to utterand tremendouscombinations of destruction through tremendousdrugs and alcohol.

Tonight we engaged in utterdestruction to the point of no return. We have achieved our goal of fucking totally destroying ourselves in all manner of ways - like we always do! You know how WE do it bitch!


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