
What is Detroit?


1.A city that a bunch of people talk and complain about but without ever stepping inside the city limits or even coming within 50 miles of its border.

2.Contrary to popular belief, there are nice parts, but perpetuating stereotypes is better than talking about the good that resides there, huh?

3.Where everyone who's from Michigan says they're from when somebody asks them where they live.

4.Best water in the world.

1. Hey, I haven't been to Detroit, let along Michigan, but I heard something on the radio about the crime, so that makes me the official expert, tee-hee.

2.Rosedale Park, University District, etc...all great living areas.

3.Random Person 1: Where are you from?

'Detroiter': Westland

Random Person 1: Where?

'Detroiter': Detroit...

4.Have you ever had Detroit water?


A city with the highest single parent population in the country.

Detroit has one of the largest single parent populations in the U.S. According to a Detroit News Study, 75% of all childbirths in 2004 were to unwed mothers.

On an average, 8 out of every 10 women in Detroit between 18-29 has at least one child, 80% out of wedlock.


A really awesome city that is stereotyped entirely way too much. Sure it is mostly black and has a large industrial landscape, but so what? None of those two are necessarily bad things. I love black people; they are awesome, and I personally love the industrial architecture. In addition, it is one of the birthplaces of modern rock and rap, and has one of the most kick-ass basketball teams: The Detroit Pistons. The Detroit Tigers are cool, too.

Detroit is a kickass city with one of the best skylines ever.

See The Book of Truth


The number 1 best place for a black in the United States to start a business.

Too many white people have too negative a view of Detroit.


An urban renewal project in process

The flyest neighborhoods

North Linwood (Where I'm from)

South Linwood

Central Linwood

Pilgrim Villagw


Pilgrim Village


Southwest Detroit



Viginia Park

East English Village





Old Redford

North Rosedale Park

Franklin Park

Detroit, Michigan...the home of Midwest Records


a nice cit.y that in going down. Detroit would be a better city if we had a better mayor not that fat fuck kwame kilpatrick that says hes got plans put doesnt know he ass from a hole in the ground.the whole downtown area is pretty messed up with roadblocks everywhere.Detroit has plenty of good areas like just outside in grosse pointe

Hey lets go downtown

ok sure take jefferson and see those huge houses


Thee home of Rock and Roll! The greatest city, ever. Everyone who tries to bring it down can burn in hell. We're supposed to be bigger than Gaycago. The home of the best cars in the world, Detroit Muscle cars. Home of the greatest hockey team, the Detroit Red Wings! Home of the greatest company: GM! Home of the greatest morning show, Drew and Mike. Home of Carhartt, the best pop ever, Faygo, and the greatest potato chips, ever, Better Made.

There aint no party like a Detroit party cos a Detroit don't stop! BIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!

See Sparty


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