
What is Deutschebag?



A person of German descent, or speaker of the German language who has exhibited the qualities of a Douchebag.

See Hitler.

Also useful Deutschebaggish, Deutschebaggery.


Satan:"So, now that you're here, do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Hitler:"I spit on you and swear that it is the souls of the Jews that belong here in hell, and not I, leader of the master race! You bring disgrace to all of Deutscheland!"

Satan:"Man, and people think I'M bad... What a Deutschebag."


"I can't stand Rob and his Deutschebaggery."

See deutsche, hitler, douche, douchebag


A Euro (preferably a German) who gets all snooty about how much better / more artistic / more well-crafted things are back on the Continent than over here (US, Canada, hell - England can play along too!).

Uwe can't drink a Blue without going on a diatribe about how much better his precious Warsteiner is - what a deutschebag!


A German douchebag

Dieter is such a Deutschebag for burgling Helmut's Hefeweizen.

See douche, douchebag, douchenozzle, deutsche


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