What is Devry?
A derogatory term for post secondary school that offers so-called accredited degrees while charging students an exorbitant amount of tuition. Students are usually mediocre high school dropouts with GEDs or below average community college students with 5 or more unsuccessful academic years of college under their belts
I dont have to take SATs, I'll get my degree at DeVry
The first secondary school in America to have 90 percent male students and only 10, females. Research has showed that almost a half and a quarter of Devry graduate find themself friendly with dicks.
Me: Man, there is not female in my classes.
My proffessor: Welcome to DeVry!
an adjective describing anything that is limp, lifeless, or particularly soft.
O my Scott, your banana is looking very Devry today.
Wow, I'm not sure I want to eat this banana, it's wayyy too Devry for me.