Diablo Ii

What is Diablo Ii?


A game in which the player is killed more often by b's lag than infernal demons.

My level 78 Barbarian just died because b was lagging and it wouldn't let me move out of the fire he was standing in.


An online game which is so addictive it takes alot away from the player by ruining their lives and if they ever try to leave it they find that the company deleted their account which causes them to start all over again like a never ending cycle of being trapped in it: also see Final Fantasy XI

kid: man my account got hacked yesterday, now I gotta start all over again

man: I know my account got deleted from not being played so im going to start again too


Man this turned out to be chicken soup for the d2 gamers soul! I apologize for my rambling; I had much to say.

Diablo II is an RPG that is set in medieval times -think Robin Hood- but with spells, demons and such. This game has a good feeling, especially when you start on single player. You get the storyline, appreciate what everything looks like and you don't worry about strategies; you just have fun playing the game. It has good replay value, because of the different classes and especially because of the extensive inventory database and new maps each time you restart a saved game.

It is a good concept, and few appreciate it and realize what it is.

Now, for my two cents about online play, and those who are about to take that plunge. I hope it isn't too late.

Now, first of all I would like to call out those who are bashing people for liking this game, or any video games. It's a hobby, just like anything else. If playing video games is a waste of time, then so are sports, watching TV and buying earrings/makeup/excess footwear/etc. So please respect other degenerates for their choices.

Now, moving on. I recommend not starting online play until after beating the game once in single player. To be quite honest, when I started playing this game, my grades in school were very good. Diablo also got me interested in mythology and I started playing it because of its theme. Then I started playing online and my grades didnt drop, but I was getting overly frustrated when someone pked, stole from or annoyed me. My advice to anyone who gets angry when something happens to them in this game is to STOP PLAYING for two days, and do something productive/fun. People who "don't have lives" do not exist. Everybody has a life, they just put it off sometimes for reasons that they have a right to keep to themselves. Here's what I did: I beat the game in Hell, made a good build (that I looked up and tweaked a little) and started a low level dueler lld. Level 30. I made other characters, but didnt follow any specific strategy because see... I use diablo 2 as my DOWN TIME.

Now, for those who are quitting... more power to you. I'm quitting in a couple days, taking a screenshot of my account... just so I can say "nah it wasn't a waste of time, it was fun". If I ever get a deadly urge, like its an addiction, then I'll switch to nezmoda fun looking mod that i'll play around with for awhile.

That's my advice to anyone who wants to play this game without letting it hurt your life. If you don't lead an exciting life, well hey... at least you don't play with fire or do stupid stunts that can get your face blown off.

Just for the record--- my friend Frank played diablo; he was fast paced, made an 81 necromancer, an 86 hammer paladin and a 90 elemental druid. He quit shortly after. He's a jock who practices capoeira and gets laid twice a week. J/K but he does live life. So I'm not just preaching, anyone can do it. Video games are for down time and there should be breaks between periods when playing. I learned this the hard way by losing sleep for one night, and not getting any more for the rest of the week because I had to travel. I was like "Oh yeah, real life, I remember now!" :P but seriously, calling gamers nerds is both innacurate and unnecessarily mean.

By the way this is my first time writing a definition, hiya! I'm new to this site. I was looking up concepts and learning lots of stuff... bah who cares!

gee this turned out to be pretty irrelevant but I hope it's helpful.

You give me a thumb down, I give you a finger up.

Summary of the warnings herein:

Diablo II Offline gameplay:

*Medium paced play, enjoyable soundtrack, nice graphics, discovering new items and secrets for yourself*

Diablo II Online Gameplay:

*Insults, addiction, people calling you noob, people calling you nerd when you beat them, hacking, scamming, duping(copying an item), rushing, strategies, friend list, chat, rebuilding characters, leveling up just to be more powerful*

See diablo, diablo 2, blizzard, bnet, online gaming, medieval, rpg


A highly addictive MMORPG with no monthly cost. The poor man's game.

The Korean spake in jibberish for hours so I passed him an soj on the ground. He was happy.

See larstait


A extremly addicting free MMORPG made by the godly company know as Blizzard.

Usual convo...

1: OMFG A SOJ ^^

2: BAH, I GOT 60


1: YEZ


An online game played over Battle which is not an MMO. Created and owned by Blizzard Entertainment, with a new patch 1.10 out.

1 4r3 t3h 1337 h4x0rz

Stfu you stupid shit

1 pwn y0u

Thats it im getting my Zon


the most highly addictive game on this planet that will keep you entertained for hours. it will pull you away from your real life and make you think the game is your real life.

Diablo II is the mosy highly addictive game ever.

See diablo, the, death, dead, man, horse


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