Dick Trick

What is Dick Trick?


When a man masturbates 3 times in one day, similar to a hat trick in hockey or soccer.

Dude I did a dick trick yesterday, and now my penis hurts.

See jack off, masturbate, weiner, dong


Noun, Verb

When a man uses his imagination or other means to manipulate his penis into doing something that is difficult for it.

"I had to close my eyes and dick trick that she was Ms. Jacobs, just so I could cum last night."

"I was watching this POV yesterday, and it totally dick tricked me into thinking I was fucking the girl."

"I dick tricked myself in class by thinking about my grandpa to get rid of my erection."

See trick, boner, erection


When a man masturbates 3 times in one day similiar to the hat trick in hockey and soccer.

Dude I totally got that dick trick in last night. I rock!!

See hat trick, soccer, hockey, sam


To confuse, and trick a drunk (or stupid) girl into giving you a blow job. Quite literally "dick tricking".

Guy 1 "Hey, did you go to the movies last night?"

Guy 2 "No, i was too busy dick tricking Karen"

Guy 1 "Nice you sob!

See blow job, dick, bj, oral, sex, vagina


dick trick, or more commonly called "dt", is when a guy slyly removes the condom during sex in an attempt to let his little guys run free and ultimately impregnate the girl

"dude I love this chick so much... I think I'm gonna dt her tonight"


"he tried to dick trick me last night"

See dick, trick, condom, pregnant, dt


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