
What is Dickless?


ONe without having a male sex organ or one that lacks courage.

Cletus is DICKLESS because he doesn't want to step up to that hottie.


A person with no genitals or dick 'literally' . A man who is ashamed for obvious reasons to show whatevers lurking underneath his pants.

Sal vitale is a dickless guy whos afraid to show anybody his stump.

See stump, dickless, weird, creepy, small


1)No Balls

2)Someone who has no dick

3)Pussy little sissy boy

Bill, you are a "Dickless" coward, grow a dick.

Tim, you no balls fuck.. First things first. I know you have a dick, but you need to get a new one. Only this time, get one that has some balls attached to it.

See Jello


One without a dick

That boy is dickless

See Phr0s7


One who has no dick; or having no Prick.Prickless


"Keith Gordon of Springfield, Mass. is Dickless."


One who is stupid and who you lack respect for which in turn leads to them being dickless.

Some nigga just cut me off. Therefor he is Dickless.

See dickless, dick, less


Slang used in san jose ca for a loser, a chump, having no balls.

Eric is dickless for not wanting to come.

Oh there dickless dorin again for chicken-ing out.

See dick, dickless, eric, dorin, renan


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