
What is Dickshot?


1. (n.) Semen, specifically the drops of splattered ejaculate (generally on another person's face), analogous to the tiny metal pellets often used in shotgun ammunition.

2. (v. intr.) To be assaulted by someone who holds, or has held, the office of Vice President of the United States of America (so named after 46th Vice President, Richard Cheney).

3. (v. tr.) To ejaculate on someone's face.

4. (v. tr.) To injure someone by careless accident.

Some atest Hamilton's last words were, "I don't believe it! Aaron Burr just totally dickshot me!"

I dickshot that slut until she needed a towel for each side of her face.

The truck driver was horrified once he realized willful lack of sleep was the reason why he completely dickshot the man now lying in the crosswalk.

See bukakke, money shot, $texas


A dickshot is when you are out hunting and Dick Cheney appears and shoots you. This has happened recently to a lawyer who said tapping phone lines is wrong.

"Man, that 78 year old lawyer who got dickshot just had a heart attack"

See shot, dick cheney, dick, hunting, lawyer


To smack someone you don't like or someone who thinks they are better than you with your penis.

Ramon had taken all he could take and finally snapped and when the frie cook went on his break, he walked over to him and gave him a dickshot.

See dick shot, dickshot, blumpkin, blowjob, handjob, rusty trombone


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