What is Dictionary Soup?
A term used to decribe a mass of dissassociated, random words within a spam e-mail. Dictionary soup is used to convince spam blockers that a message is not advertisement and actually about something. Dictionary soup comes in two flavors: completely random, and pseudo-paragraphs. Completely random dictionary soup is just that; a computer randomly chose words from a dictionary. Pseudo-paragraphs appear to be phrases from works of literature chopped up and mixed among each other.
Completely random dictionary soup: "extravagant what's outside well-dressed neon flew flavor drawn barcode impulsive pinpoint decided vetoing utopian overzealous"
Pseudo-paragraph dictionary soup: "Raw, you say? I like it solid, not forgiven or meaty. Don't be so loud! It's uneconomical to be frozen, my dear. Bread crumbs; the young one appears to be confuzzled. You know better than that...no cats during sunset. Is it really gone forever? Now swallow the whole thing, Jerry."