What is Did He Drop Any Good Loot??


"Did he drop any good loot?" is a infamous one-liner reply to a obituaryon the World of Warcraftforums. The name of the person who replied was the one and only moroldonfarmthat was a level 1 priest from the Chromaggus realm. Shortly after this reply he gave out; blizzard deleted the thread and banned moroldonfarm's account. It did not take long until people leakedimages of the thread and the reply to show proof that it was real. The reply of Moroldonfarm remains a Legacyto this day to many WoWplayers.

The Obituary:

Nano: i'm Nano's brother, as you know i've been playing with his account for some time now on Sona. i'm writing here to inform everyone who may care that nano passed away, we held his funeral on tuesday. the only reason im writing this here is that whenever i told him how people after months still wrought about how good nano was and some wrote how he was the best hunter etc. That statement always made him smile and i think its fair you all should know about whats happened so you may, even if you didnt have the pleasure of meeting him in game say a little prayer for him. He was a good soul and i know many of you who met him in game would agree. i want to thank you from his behalf for giving him many months of true pleasure in wow. thank you.

Reply from moroldonfarm:

Moroldonfarm: did he drop any good loot?

See nano, loot, obituary, wow, warcraft, drop, reply, forums, blizzard, lol, rofl, lmao


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