What is Dig?
1. To perceive and comprehend the nature and significance of; grasp; gather. “Ya dig? Yeah I can dig it”
2. To find attractive, pleasant, to enjoy. “I dig on that
"U see that
honkey mofo be messin with my old lady?" 'Yeah man I candig it, that brotha be pickin up on you man.'
To like something.
Did you hear that cd?
Yeah.. I dig it..
1.to break up, turn, or loosen (earth) with an implement
2.to love something
1: I dig holes
2: I dig holes
1. To understand something
2. to appriciate or like something.
I'll bet she really digs him.
1) To understand
2) To like.
1) can you dig it?
2) I dig that Pac Cd
In street racing; Racing from a complete stop to a set speed, gear or distance.
I don't want to go from a roll, lets race from a dig
To like, appreciate and understand. The phrase dig doesn't only mean "I understand," but that I'm a very special person that understands in a special sort of way- in other words, you're hip.
Like if you say "dig," but you don't dig, I did where you're at.