
What is Digimon?


1. An anime series that has been constantly slandered by pokemon fans and attempts to ruin it were made by horrible dubbers, but is still truly one of the greatest(And darkest.) anime of all time, and has spawned quite a large fandom(And some truly great fanfics.) Anyone who says they saw the dark masters arc and didn't shed a single tear is either inhuman, lying, or having a serious problem with his or her tear ducts.(AKA Digimon Adventure)

2. Digimon Tamers

3. Digimon Frontier

4. An assortment of various monsters that are the native inhabitants of the digital world in any of the digimon series.

Digimon is one of the most underrated anime of all time.


A manga/anime which was created in Japan and brought into the U.S. in 1999.

It is now in 4 seasons, and 1 movie.

In Japan, it is 5 seasons and 7 movies.

The show is considered to be a copy of Pokemon, when in fact it was created before, so if any copying was done, it was the other way around.

Digimon is a very secessful show, with millions of fanbases around the world.

It is the one kick-*** show thats for every age.


From Season 1, Episode !:

"We're Digimon! Digital Monsters!"

From Season 2, Episode 13:

"Digimon. They keep trying to take me to their world"

From Season 3, Episode 1:

"No, it's a digimon! Don't you know anything?"

See Raven


Pokemon's Ultimate Superiors

Digimon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pokemon


An anime/ manga that has a great plot but is bastardized by dubbing companies once again!!

Digimon is also known as a "pokemon rip-off" even though it came out first in Japan!!

In all, if Digimon was perfectly dubbed, it would be for 10-15 year olds in America.

Sadly, it was turned into a show for 5 year olds.

Digimon has four seasons.

Adventure, Adventure 02, Tamers, and Frontier.

In all seasons, names, plot, character deveolpment, etc., where all bastardized by dubbers.

Digimon is a l33t show if in its raw Japanese form.


A show meant for ALL those with a pulse to enjoy. It has die hard fans, such as Sardonic Genie, great characters with really meaningful story plots, a cool soundtrack, along with tons of very powerful and funny creatures. The show revolves around a group of children with entirely different personas who are chosen to defend the world from the negative energies and forces in the digital world, along with their positive digimon partners. It changes it's rules to play the hero game every season, but that's just one of the fun parts about it.

Better than Pokecrap. Totally cheated out of profits by Pokecrap. Gotta KILL 'em ALL.


A good and popular show meant for all ages. It has quite a good plot and fanbase. And LadyDevimon has big breasts.

Digimon fanfics are cool.

See KS


Digimon (Digital Monsters)

A very good Japanese TV series and trading card game featuring some really cool monsters called Digimons. I liked the newer series's though I found the fact that the characters had the Digmon cards themselves a bit weird but it was good none the less. To some it was better than Poke'mon which actually came out AFTER Digimon was released in Japan. The movie was extremely cool and was done in such a way that seemed more real than the Series, not in the graphics or anything but just seemed... More real I suppose is the only way I can describe it? Anyway, the Digmons looked extremely cool with different stages of development and could temporarily 'Digivolve' into a more powerful form and unlike Poke'mon a lot of the monsters had weapons like arm mounted rocked launchers which made it a lot cooler to watch. Digimon was definitely my favourite trading card game (before I began collecting Magic the Gatheringanyway) and I still have some of my favourite cards now. The Digimon series also produced a few video games which I never really played but I expect were quite good.

I can't think of a quote so I'll just say I think Digimon was the best Japanese TV series and card game I watched and played.

See Craig


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