Digital Camera

What is Digital Camera?


A camera in which takes away from REAL photography entirely. By using such things as photoshopping and other similar programs photography now needs no talent to be done... Simply a good computer with the appropriate softwear.

hey, with my new digital camera i can pretend to be an artist even though i am completely void of talent!

See digital photography, camera, photography, faggot, photoshop, Matt Wilhelm


A device which swells the ego of every affluent 14 year old on Myspace, prompting them to proclaim themselves a "photographer."

Digital cameras actually require no real talent, as one can set them to auto mode, fix any errors in one's photos by use of computer software, and do not require the user to know how to develop film or prints.

14 year old: Check out my new digital camera my parents bought me! Look at this cool angled photo of my face! I upped the contrast with photoshop.

See camera, digital, myspace, camera whore, stupid


an apparatus that uses either a CMOS or a CCD to take the place of the film. It makes photography easier and generally rock like San Francisco in a fucking earthquake!!!

Let's go buy a digital camera made by Canon!


A camera in which you do not have to use film. It used digital media, thus, you do not have to pay to get it developed. It kicks ass.


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