What is Digital Gangster?
Often called simply "DG". (Dee'Gee)
A computer savvy, technical genius with a lot of free time on his hands.
The free time is mostly spent online figuring out new ways to
ie. the Paris Hilton cell phone hack, Hannah Montana sexual picture releases are both from DG)
Also refers to those in the "Net 2.0" business that receive their monetary revenue from ads, affiliations, or even email "
Although most people hate the way the DG underground works, most of them are too afraid to say or do anything about it.
Digital Gangsters mostly hang out at wwwDOTdigitalgangsterDOTcom.
The website is owned by famous Digital Gangster
"STC is the greatest! Digital Gangster for life suckaz!"
"OMG that's sooooo DG!!!"